GET TO KNOW (GTK)March 30, April 6 & 13 @ 9:15amNew to Old North? Get to know is probably the next best step. If you want to "get to know" what Old North is all about (our vision, values and our people) then this 3-week class is for you. Room 127RSVP HERE
SPORTSMAN'S DINNERSaturday, April 12 (Doors open at 5pm - Dinner at 6pm)Ticket sales begin Sunday, March 16 ($20 ea.)
Guest speaker Larry "Jake" Jacobs - Director at On Target Outfitters, Canfield
MEN'S BREAKFASTSaturday, May 3 (8:30-10am)Join us in the gym for this opportunity to connect with other men of Old North and study God's Word. Wally Valentine from the Pregnancy Help Center will be our speaker.RSVP HERE
EASTERGOOD FRIDAY 5 & 7pm EASTER SUNDAY 8, 9:30 & 11amThe resurrection of Jesus gives us hope that what is dead in our lives can be brought to life again. Join us with your family this Easter as we celebrate together the hope we have in Jesus.


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Event Series Care Night

Care Night

Join us at Old North on Monday from 6-7:30pm on February 24 through May 19 for either Divorce Care or Griefshare. Sign up here:  

Event Series Old North STUDENTS


High school meets in the Great Room & Middle school meets in the Middle Mchool Room On Wednesday nights during the school year our high school ministry is a combination of large group teaching and small group discussions. These small groups are divided by age and gender. We also have competitions and fun throughout the...

Event Series AWANA


Awana is for children (3 years old and potty trained through 4th grade) on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00pm during the school year. Awana is an international ministry program whose main focus is encouraging kids to learn and memorize God’s Word. There is also large group teaching and game time.

Event Series Midweek Adult Classes

Midweek Adult Classes

In the middle of the week, pause around the Word of God with the people of God. Three different classes are offered in the building on Wednesday evenings for adults, all with the goal of growing men and women into Christ-likeness! These classes meet in the adult wing of Old North Church from 6:30-8pm starting...

Old North Church(330) 533-68487105 Herbert Rd, Canfield, OH 44406Copyright 2025