Women’s Bible Study
This winter we will be studying Nahum and selected Psalms. Register here: https://oldnorthchurch.breezechms.com/form/65d14f361112803980
This winter we will be studying Nahum and selected Psalms. Register here: https://oldnorthchurch.breezechms.com/form/65d14f361112803980
In the middle of the week, pause around the Word of God with the people of God. Three different classes are offered in the building on Wednesday evenings for adults, all with the goal of growing men and women into Christ-likeness! These classes meet in the adult wing of Old North Church from 6:30-8pm on...
This winter we will be studying Nahum and selected Psalms. Register here: https://oldnorthchurch.breezechms.com/form/65d14f361112803980
Meets in the Fireside Room
High school meets in the Great Room & Middle school meets in the Middle Mchool Room On Wednesday nights during the school year our high school ministry is a combination...
In the middle of the week, pause around the Word of God with the people of God. Three different classes are offered in the building on Wednesday evenings for adults,...
In the middle of the week, pause around the Word of God with the people of God. Three different classes are offered in the building on Wednesday evenings for adults,...
Everyone is welcome to join the pastors and elders for prayer at 8:30am every Sunday in the Fireside room.