Birth through 4th grade In Kids Ministry, we believe each child is a gift from God and we take that seriously as we welcome kids into the children’s ministry department with the conviction of pointing them to Christ. The Bible is clear that parents are to be the primary spiritual leaders in the lives of...
The book of Judges is certainly a dark and gruesome part of Bible, in which Israel lurches from sin to judgment to salvation and back again with grim regularity. Yet it contains strong warnings and encouragements for us as Christians today. This class will be a deep dive into this often overlooked book in the...
Join us at Old North on Monday from 6-7:30pm on February 24 through May 19 for either Divorce Care or Griefshare. Sign up here:
This winter we will be studying Nahum and selected Psalms. Register here:
This winter we will be studying Nahum and selected Psalms. Register here:
Meets in the Fireside Room
High school meets in the Great Room & Middle school meets in the Middle Mchool Room On Wednesday nights during the school year our high school ministry is a combination of large group teaching and small group discussions. These small groups are divided by age and gender. We also have competitions and fun throughout the...
Awana is for children (3 years old and potty trained through 4th grade) on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00pm during the school year. Awana is an international ministry program whose main focus is encouraging kids to learn and memorize God’s Word. There is also large group teaching and game time.
In the middle of the week, pause around the Word of God with the people of God. Three different classes are offered in the building on Wednesday evenings for adults, all with the goal of growing men and women into Christ-likeness! These classes meet in the adult wing of Old North Church from 6:30-8pm starting...